Posts tagged recipes
A weeks worth of groceries

Hey there! Today I'm going to share what groceries I bought this week. It's something that interests me in general (gotta love that its part of the job) and so thought someone else out there may be interested too. 

 I try to do one main shop and then usually end up doing a smaller shop to get some extras or things we run out of. My stores of choice: Harris Farm, Coles or the Farmers market. As I'm not the most routine person I just go with wherever I feel like on the day. If it's a sunny Sunday and we don't have anything planned I love going for a stroll through Gosford Farmers markets and getting fresh produce (and a coffee and some flowers!), most often though its a run through Harris and Coles. I love Harris Farm Market for its in season, cheap, good quality produce and getting some more specialty items like stuffed olives and good cheese. Coles is mainly for everything else and is simply convenient because it's next door to Harris. 

Hope you enjoy having a sneak peak! 

What did I buy this week?

Vegetables: zucchini, sweet potato, pumpkin, potatoes, baby spinach, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, corn, carrots, avocado, frozen veg with cheese sauce 

I basically buy whatever vegetables are in season and cheap. Harris has 'imperfect picks' which I love as they are 1/3 of the cost and taste just the same. I think it is also important to be aware of food waste and do our part to support minimising this such as eating produce that would otherwise be thrown out because of blemishes or a funny shape.  

Fruit: peaches, bananas, rockmelon, grapes

I usually stick to portable fruits that can easily be packed and eaten - grapes are a fave at the moment! Often I'll buy frozen berries to keep in the freezer for smoothies or muffins. 

Dairy: Greek yoghurt, flavoured yoghurt

I didn't buy much dairy this week - we had a bottle of milk (full cream) in the fridge and are loaded with cheese for weeks. Yoghurt though is a must. I go through the tub of greek yoghurt weekly. 

Breads/cereals: Lebanese wraps

This week was also low on this front - I have't been buying bread lately as it just goes mouldy before we can get through a couple of slices. I have spelt sourdough in the freezer which keeps me going and Matt is loving wraps for lunch. We have plenty of staples like pasta, rice and oats, although in the winter months we go through these much slower. 

Meat: Pork sausages, shaved turkey, tuna

This is pretty normal. I don't really eat a lot of meat and try to have vegetarian/seafood meals a few times a week. Mostly because I don't have much of an appetite for red meat and I just think there's more interesting things to eat than chicken breast!   I usually keep some sort of fish in the freezer for a super quick dinner. 

Happy foods: Ice-cream, bavarian, muesli bars, twisties

Of course, there has to be room for these type of foods! I like having some sort of creamy dessert on hand because cravings often call for it! Same goes with something salty :)

What are 3 simple meals I make?

Seafood Marina 

Simply simmer a can of tomatoes with herbs, capers and some white wine in a frypan while a pot of water is boiling. After simmering for 15 mins throw in 500g seafood marina and continue simmering for 10 mins. Meanwhile, cook pasta in salted boiling water until tender then drain and toss through marinara sauce. Done! 

Honey mustard veg + meat

Chop up a whole lot of veg - sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, zucchini - drizzle with olive oil, 1 TBS wholegrain mustard, 1 TBS honey and salt and pepper. Spread out on roasting pan and bake for an hour at 180degrees. Serve with whatever fish, chicken or beef you like. My fave: salmon fried in butter with lemon. 

 Eggs shashuka 

Heat some oil in a frypan and fry some chopped bacon or chorizo. Add a can of chopped tomatoes, herbs, a pinch of chilli flakes and baby spinach. Simmer for 15 mins until thickened. Make four holes in pan and crack an egg in each. Continue heating on a medium heat until eggs are almost set. Serve with crusty bread and salad.